Bob has been a commercial litigation attorney since graduation from law school 50 years ago. These days, he limits his practice to giving litigation advice and counsel to clients of the firm and firm attorneys.
Law School: Columbia
New York, New York
J.D. Degree; 1972
College: Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut
A.B. Degree; 1968
Prior Adversary Hearings On The Question of Obscenity, 70 Columbia Law Review 1403, 1970
The Mysterious Civil Forfeiture Laws, Florida Bar Journal, March, 1994
Saving Security Interests, Money Laundering Law Report (MLLR), September, 1990
The Foreign Customer, MLLR, December, 1990
The Parallel Market (Co-Arthur: Barry D. Hunter), MLLR, June, 1991
International Impact (Co-Arthur: Joel D. Karp), MLLR, December, 1991
Spotlight on Forfeiture, MLLR, March, 1992
Lessons From Florida, MLLR, August, 1992
Conflict Resolved, MLLR, December, 1992
High Court to Decide Limits on Forfeitures, MLLR, February, 1993
Innocent Owner Defense Strengthened by High Court, MLLR, March, 1993
New Case Will Define Limits on Governmental Seizure, MLLR, April, 1993
Further Limits on Forfeitures, MLLR, July, 1993
Bank Declared Innocent Owner: Analysis of Miraflores Ruling, MLLR, August, 1993
Good is Bad News for Gov’t: Due Process Requires Hearing, MLLR, December, 1993
Appeals Court Reverses Leading Bank Forfeiture Case, The Florida Mortgage Banker, November/December, 1993
Innocent Bank Needn’t Forfeit Liens on Drug Dealer’s Realty, American Banker, September, 1993
Leading Bank Forfeiture Case Reversed, 17 Director’s Monthly, No. 10, p. 8, October, 1993
“The Tide is Turning: Civil Forfeiture Law is Becoming More Accommodating to Innocent Owners and Innocent Mortgages,” Consumer Finance Law Quarterly Report, Spring, 1994
“Access to Courts and the Unauthorized Practice of Law – Ten Years of Unlicensed Practice of Law Advisory Opinions,” Florida Bar Journal, February, 1999
Florida Bar Board of Governors, Member, 1988 to 1993
Florida Bar, Past Chair, Board Review Committee on Professional Ethics
Florida Bar, Past Chair, Access to the Legal System Committee
Florida Bar, Budget Disciplinary Procedure, Disciplinary Review, Member, Rules and By-Laws Committee
Florida Bar, Chair, Standing Committee on Unlicensed Practice of Law, 1986 to 1988
Legal Technicians Study Committee, Vice-Chair, 1991 to 1992
Florida Bar Special Committee on Non-Lawyer Practice, Vice Chair, 1992 to 1994
Florida Bar Unlicensed Practice of Law Task Force, 1995 to 1996
Florida Bar Insurance Study Committee, 1999 to 2000
The Florida Bar Foundation, Member, Board of Directors, 1998 to 2000
Florida Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company, Board of Directors, 1993
Money Laundering Law Report, Board of Editors, 1990 to 1999
Governor’s Study Commission on Notaries Public, 1988 to 1989
Florida Supreme Court Ad Hoc Committee on HRS Nonlawyer Counselors, 1988 to 1989
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